shanghai blog

Wednesday, 20 June 2007


Frustratingly for me, I can see that I have 2 comments in response to my post regarding the weekend, but I can't see what they are because my blog (and probably all the other blogs hosted by blogger) is blocked. I wasn't kidding about that in my earlier post.

Probably it was someone saying "Stop this drivel fatman, you're not funny, and you bang-on about food all the time" or possibly it was my boss Simon saying "Either do some work out there fatman, or come back to the office in the UK and make yourself useful with the kettle".

Frustratingly for you, my loyal reader(s), whoever you are, I can still post this nonsense!

I have tried desperately hard to avoid writing hilarious comments about how those crazy foreigners sometimes spell English words wrongly. That's what Private Eye is for.

I have also tried to avoid those "We don't do that where I come from" type comments. Indulge me, just this once;

This evening, I decided to go to the gym. Partly because I need to save money and mostly because I brought my running shoes several thousand miles so I feel obliged to use them once. The gym is small and I was by myself. After I had been on the lone treadmill about 5 minutes, two blokes came into the gym, sat down on chairs and got the cigarettes out, lit one each, and proceeded to have a really animated chat. I don't know about what, but it looked important.

I thought about complaining but hey, we don't do that where I come from. After they had finished their discussion and resolved whatever life or death issue they had been debating, they got up and left. As I left the gym (i'd be lying if I said it was more than 22 minutes later), I recognised the bloke on the gym reception desk and he gave me a cheery wave as he lit up another smoke. Brilliant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

10 November 2008 at 20:44  

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